// SMUDGE recipe - Best Salad Ever //

// SMUDGE recipe - Best Salad Ever //
Ever since having the prosciutto arugula flat bread pizza at Paul Martin's amazing happy hour I have been obsessed with the pairing. Thus this beyond delicious salad was born:
STEP 1: preheat oven to 350 degrees, place 4 strips of prosciutto on parchment lined baking sheet, bake for around 12 mins until lookin crispy then lay prosciutto on paper towels and blot
STEP 2: slice tomato and sprinkle with sea salt, arrange arugula and tomato slices on a plate, crumble up the crispy prosciutto on top and a bunch of God's greatest gift to earth or goat cheese, whatever you want to call it
STEP 3: drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil and balsamic glaze then dig into mind blowing salad heaven
Devour with some cold apple cider, the latest ALLURE, and Pinterest like we did or make more to impress your friends or boo ( this salad is very dude friendly thanks to the crispy Italian version of bacon ).